Tel: 07827 677268

air conditioning and filters mold flintshire north wales mid wales wirral cheshire Practical tips for mainaining vehicle air conditioning Vehicle air conditioning services How to contact G.J.Airconditioning Our Terms, Your Rights History Air and Pollen Filters Delphi Air and Pollen Filters Ferrari F40 Classic cars such as this Ferrari F40 require special attention

R12 Refrigerant Gas

Vehicles made prior to 1992/1993 probably have air conditioning systems  running on the older R12 refrigerant gas. Since 31.12.2000, due to environmental legislation, it has become illegal  to offer this gas type for the service or repair of air conditioning systems. R12 refrigerants are believed to damage the ozone layer. We therefore offer the following options when work is required on R12 systems:

  1. Complete retro-fit to R134a refrigerant. This is the most expensive option requiring removal of the compressor etc. This option is becoming cost prohibitive.
  2. The fitment of a retro-pro kit  to work with R134a refrigerant. R134a is the refrigerant used in vehicles since 1992/1993. This is now the preferred  option.
  3. Leave the system broken! Open windows, wear loose clothing!

We use a gas analyser to check your existing system gas and can identify the type (correct or otherwise) and its state of purity. If contaminated we can recover this gas and dispose of it safely, protecting the environment and meeting with all current legislation.

Access to  parts suppliers ensures we can rapidly locate the right part for your

vehicle if we do not stock it ourselves.